Bald Eagle Watching
Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center is one of Bald Eagle Watching.

1. Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center

4943 Hill Road, Siskiyou County, CA
Lake · 2 tips and reviews

National Wildlife FederationNational Wildlife Federation: As many as 1,000 eagles occupy the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge during the peak months of January and February.

2. Howard Miller Steelhead Park

Hwy 530, Rockport, WA
Campground · 1 tip

National Wildlife FederationNational Wildlife Federation: Great camping and a chance to see a hundreds of blad eagles attracted by dead and dying salmon at the end of the spawning season. Numbers peak in late December and early January.

3. Nelson Dewey State Park

Campground · 2 tips and reviews

National Wildlife FederationNational Wildlife Federation: This park is full of bald eagles in winter especially below the locks and dams.

4. Squaw Creek Wildlife Refuge

Hickory Township, MO
Other Great Outdoors · 5 tips and reviews

National Wildlife FederationNational Wildlife Federation: There are lots of eagles perching along the main auto loop.

5. Wolf Lodge Road

Coeur D Alene, ID
Mountain · 1 tip

National Wildlife FederationNational Wildlife Federation: This area is full of migratory bald eagles when the Kokanee salmon start to spawn. They begin arriving in November with the largest concentrations in December and January.

6. Quabbin Reservoir

485 Ware Rd (Route.9), Belchertown, MA
Lake · 8 tips and reviews

National Wildlife FederationNational Wildlife Federation: This is one of the Northeast’s best-known winter eagle lookouts. Today, year-round resident eagles are joined by dozens more in winter. Numbers peak in February.

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge is one of Bald Eagle Watching.

7. Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

Wildlife Dr, Cambridge, MD
Nature Preserve · 9 tips and reviews

National Wildlife FederationNational Wildlife Federation: This refuge has good eagle viewing in winter and throughout the year with a healthy breeding population .

8. Mills-Norrie State Park Campground

Campground Hill, Staatsburg, NY
Campground · 5 tips and reviews

National Wildlife FederationNational Wildlife Federation: A great place to spot bald eagles.