Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Yokohama to go with friends:

  • 9.2

    New Orleans

    Italian Restaurant 湘南台1-14-19 藤沢市, 神奈川県

    People also say (17 tips):

    • Jernej
      Jernej: "Delicious Italian restaurant with many own sauces, slightly modified from its original varieties."
  • 9.3

    The Hakone Open-Air Museum

    Art Museum 二ノ平1121 箱根町, 神奈川県

    People also say (65 tips):

    • Elizabeth B.
      Elizabeth Burstein: "Must do in hakone . Large picasso collection and really great outdoor sculptures. French and italian art. Enjoy a cherry blossom ice cream in their cafe"
  • 9.2

    XIV Hakone Rikyu

    Hotel 宮ノ下112-2 箱根町, 神奈川県

    People also say (9 tips):

    • Y.
      Y.: "Beautiful resort. Scenic views with the best rooms and service. The onsen (both private and public) have great views & felt so relaxed after. Tip: the traditional Japanese breakfast was perfect choice"
  • 9.2


    Soba Restaurant 由比ガ浜4-10-3 鎌倉市, 神奈川県

    People also say (28 tips):

    • Ronak D.
      Ronak Daya: "Best soba I have ever had. Sit on the traditional seats, get a highball and then order the tofu, the mushroom soba and enjoy the zen atmosphere"
  • 9.1

    Craft Beer & Coffee Sakura Taps

    Pub 中区花咲町1-16-1 横浜市, 神奈川県

    People also say (7 tips):

    • IEMOTO from NOGE 家.
      IEMOTO from NOGE 家元@寄道お兄さん: "クラフトビールも、おつまみも美味しい、ウォーミングアップ店。桜木町寄り。立ち飲みで2、3杯飲んで野毛にくりたそう!"
  • 9.3

    Pain Pati-The Story of Wheat

    Bakery 緑区川尻1556-4 相模原市, 神奈川県

    People also say (15 tips):

People are talking about these places in Yokohama:

  • 9.2

    Mt. Jimba

    Mountain 緑区佐野川 相模原市, 神奈川県

    People also say (13 tips):

    • K B.
      K B: "Mt Fuji was in hiding but the views were still lovely. Much quieter than Mt Takao and Shiroyama. Enjoyed the peace before heading down to the bus stop"
    • Yui M.
      Yui Miyoshi: "高尾山と比べると空いていていいですね。360度パノラマビューの山頂です。山小屋は複数ありますが、平日は清水茶屋のみ営業でした。"
  • 9.2

    Enoshima Aquarium

    Aquarium 片瀬海岸2-19-1 藤沢市, 神奈川県

    People also say (63 tips):

    • Dan P.
      Dan Pilkington: "Go on a week day outside of school holidays otherwise it's too busy to enjoy the displays."
    • M X.
      M X: "Show is fantastic"
  • 9.3

    Kenchoji Hansobo / Shojoken Observatory

    Scenic Lookout 山ノ内8 鎌倉市, 神奈川県

    People also say (12 tips):

    • Hiroto O.
      Hiroto Okada: "Chirping of birds is very beautiful. It is a very beautiful place surrounded by nature....."
    • dragonosuke
      dragonosuke: "お寺の入り口から半僧坊本殿まではかなり距離があるため、御朱印の受付時間も30分の差があることに注意してください。"

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